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Dollmare takes a unique approach to anomaly video games. The idea of checking each doll for defects before passing or trashing them may not seem like an entertaining experience on the surface. However, there is a lot to uncover in this nightmarish journey through discovering the means behind the madness. The factory, your boss, the dolls, and the protagonist all have secrets to uncover and the process to get there is unforgettable.
You were desperate for money to pay the rent, so you accepted a job offer at a doll factory. What seemed like a way to make an easy buck, turned out to be something much more sinister. Carefully inspect each doll for strange defects and eerie behaviors. Spot every anomaly, from subtle flaws to unsettling movements, and ensure only the ‘safe’ dolls make it through.
Your duties are simple:
- Inspect dolls for defects and anomalies.
- Explore the dark and mysterious corners of the factory.
- Maintain production equipment.
- Follow strange protocols.
- Uncover the mystery behind the dolls and the factory.
- Try not to lose your sanity and your life.
Welcome to Sweet Cheeks Doll Factory.

Dollmare takes place in a factory. Nothing seems too odd at first. The facility is clean, there is a locker room, your workplace has all the tools you need to do the job, and your boss watches from an office above your workplace. After some time, some things do appear to be strange.
You are alone with your boss. There are no other employees. However, you do find notes left behind by former employees so at least you know that there have been others.
Sometimes you have to venture into different areas of the factory. For instance, the machine that produces the dolls may jam so you’ll need to clear the jam. As you make your way through the factory, there are some questionable areas but nothing too suspicious.

Dollmare’s gameplay is easy to follow. You’ll find directions at your workstation from the start. As new mechanics are introduced, a new set of directions will appear for you to read. A quick read of these directions and you should feel confident to move on.
The various mechanics can be a bit of a spoiler so I’m not going to go in depth. I will say that your job is to inspect dolls so the machine will spit them out one at a time and you’ll inspect them one at a time. You can either approve or disapprove of the doll after inspection. If you get the inspection right, you earn money. You use the money to unlock items.
The factory produces a diverse line of dolls. They have a variety of hair, clothes, colors, and features. The dolls are cute and any child would love to have them.
The dolls are manufactured in the room next to your workstation. You do not have direct access to the manufacturing room. The dolls are dispensed to your workstation via a machine. You have no control over what comes out of that machine.
Most of the dolls are normal and work according to the factory’s standards but not every doll is normal. Dollmare wouldn’t be much of a nightmare without these defective dolls. There are several ways to deal with the defective dolls. Some can be repaired and others need to be trashed. Some dolls need special attention but no spoilers here.

Your boss in Dollmare seems legit at the start of your job. The instructions for your job a easy to follow and your boss provides feedback as you learn your responsibilities. He will let you know when you do well or mess up. Time paints a different picture of your boss.
You’ll notice that your boss becomes more strict and less patient with you. If you mess up, he will scour you with unkind remarks and make you feel inferior. There are hints that he is not the only one in charge of this operation and he needs a smooth operation just as much as you do.
Dollmare’s factory and everything within seems fine at first but time changes everything. You’ll notice the dolls are a problem first. They will begin to exhibit strange behaviors such as twitching eyes or foul talk. Some of them seem to be possessed and will proceed to cause you real problems that require extra attention.
You’ll hear whispers from an unknown source and see things out of the corner of your eye. Rooms change and create confusing scenarios that require some thinking. Random messages appear in an attempt to communicate sensitive information not meant for the eyes of your boss. There are so many questions in Dollmare and the answers will only come when you face these horrors.

Dollmare is an anomaly video game that surprised me. I went in knowing very little about the game. The demo appeared on my feed and I decided to give it a try after a few passes. A few minutes into the demo made a good enough impression for me to buy the game on Steam.
I initially thought that inspecting dolls wouldn’t be fun. What I didn’t expect was everything else that takes place outside of inspecting dolls and how the process changes over time. Exploration, evolving processes and the mysteries behind the dolls keep the gameplay engaging.
The only problem I had was with the colors. Some of the objectives require you to inspect eye color. Since I am color blind, I had trouble with this mechanic and it caused me to mess up a few times. This issue probably does not affect many others out there and I was still able to power through as I do with most games so no biggie.
In the end, I found Dollmare to be such a treasure.
Please suggest any anomaly video games you think I should check out. If I like the suggested video game, I may write a featured article or add the game to one of my featured lists. Suggestions are greatly appreciated.