We Harvest Shadows
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It has been a week since I played the We Harvest Shadows demo and I’m still thinking about the experience. We Harvest Shadows is one of those video games where I wish I could erase the experience from my memory and play it again for the first time. Let’s go through why I feel this way about We Harvest Shadows.
We Harvest Shadows is a first-person open-world horror farming sim accompanied by an emotional narrative. You play as Garrett and all he wants to do is disappear from the world. He leaves city life and buys an abandoned farm with hundreds of acres of land. Each day comes with tasks that need to be performed to improve life on the farm and progress the story.
Garrett has a two-story house that he sleeps and lives in. There are trees, a lake, and farmland as far as the eye can see. A shed, barn, observation tower, small factory, and more are available to explore. Earn money by placing resources on a trailer and obtain resources by purchasing items at a nearby workbench. There is plenty to do and plenty to explore.
The catch is that exploration and chores should be done during the day. Garrett quickly learns that the farm is haunted. Entities inhabit the land and some of them are hostile. A picture in the house changes depending on how much danger surrounds Garrett. Stay inside when the picture tells you to.
The demo for We Harvest Shadows took me about an hour to complete. It does a great job of introducing the story, game mechanics, and the farm. Controls, navigation, managing the farm and resources, progressing the story, and everything else are done well.
It’s worth taking a minute to introduce Garrett. He thinks the world is better off without him. Clues are scattered throughout the demo and help uncover reasons why Garrett exiles himself. It’s up to the player to piece those clues together but there are also cinematics to help fill in the blanks. A very emotional and somber story lies in wait.
Resources are needed to build, upgrade equipment, and progress the story. I earned money and accumulated resources by collecting trash around the house, chopping trees, and growing food. I never felt bored because these tasks were quick and easy to complete.
It is important to remember that this is a horror game. There are some tense moments. The game does a great job of combining atmosphere, environment, sound effects, and music to create a true horror experience. My love for horror allowed me to enjoy every terrifying second.
This is a well-balanced demo that does a great job of not spoiling everything. You can find the demo for We Harvest Shadows on Steam.
I did not have any issues during my playthrough of We Harvest Shadows. I’ve played many demos and appreciate it when the developers release a demo that isn’t plagued with bugs. Kudos to the developers for releasing a polished demo.
I am super stoked for We Harvest Shadows. I’ve thought about my experience with the demo for a week now. I’m excited to learn more about Garrett and explore the farm. If the demo is any indication, I have a feeling that this game will be huge and well-received by those who enjoy horror and open-world survival games. I’ll be keeping an eye out for the full release.
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